First ever module reviews

Published: 08-06-2024

With the release of our newest modules “Activities” and “Demand & Forecasting” it became clear, Shifton grew up to be something more than just a simple shift planning solution. As a fact, we have too many modules and we want to simplify their understanding.  We decided to merge some modules, providing more value at one click, effectively changing pricing for some modules, to reflect their increased value. 

Base module will now include 3 additional reports: “Budget reports”, “Company employees” and “Minimum weekly work time report”. Base price module will change to $1 to reflect those additions and tons of other features we added as base functionality during the years.

“Time off requests” will get beautiful insights, previously part of “Vacation Management” and the price will be $1. Now it includes “Time Off Reports” without any additional cost. 

nurse schedule template

“Attendance” module price changing to $1 and following modules price aligned to $0.5: “Employee working hours”, “Bonuses/Retentions” & “Pay rate reports”. Latter is also renamed to “Payroll” to reflect recent additions to its functionality and our future plans to add even more. 

Those changes will take immediate effect for all new customers. Existing customers will enjoy new extended modules at old price till September 1st 2024, after that their pricing will be updated too. 

We value our customers and believe those changes will help them to manage features they need with more ease.

Want to know more? contact us at [email protected]