Shifton – Hotel staff scheduler software

Reduce costs and optimize work schedules of your hotel staff

Frequently asked questions

What are the most common hotel scheduling problems?

There are complexities in scheduling hotels that supervisors and managers often encounter. Among the most common ones are: lack of quality communication in the team, insufficient number of personnel for certain positions, lack of clear tasks for each employee. Due to scheduling problems, much of the time is wasted, causing the efficiency of each employee and the business as a whole to suffer.

What is planning and scheduling software for hotel?

Convenient hotel scheduling software is a service that makes the process of creating work plans easier and semi-automatic. Here you can communicate with other team members, make timetables and manage them, regardless of the size of the team. Also in such a program it is convenient to calculate salaries for staff and track their efficiency. It is suitable for time keeping hotels, small hotels and any other business format.

How do I create a work schedule for my employees?

You can use Shifton to quickly create plans for workers and distribute the workload evenly among your employees. Thanks to employee management software scheduling, you can significantly increase the efficiency of your team, as you will be able to allocate the right number of staff for each shift. All that you need to do is a few clicks, because this program has a simple interface where you can navigate easily.

How to manage a hotel

This process is very complex and time consuming. It is necessary to take into account the size of the hotel, its attendance on specific days, seasons and periods to understand how many staff will be needed. In addition, it is important to evenly distribute the workload between employees so that everyone has time off. Communication between team members is important as well. For this purpose, it is very convenient to use employee mobile apps hotels such as Shifton.